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Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Oracle File extensions

SQL*Plus files
.sql - SQL script
.lst - spool file

PL/SQL files
.pls - PL/SQL source
.plb - PL/SQL binary
.pks - Package source or package specification
.pkb - Package binary or package body
.pck - Combined package specification plus body

Oracle database files
.dbf - database file
.log - Online Redo Log
.rdo - Online Redo Log
.arc - Archive log

SQL*Loader files
.ctl - Control file
.dat - Data file
.bad - Bad file
.dsc - Discard file

SQL*Net files
.ora - tnsnames.ora, sqlnet.ora, etc.

Forms files
.fmb - Forms binary
.fmt - Forms text
.fmx - Forms executable

Reports files
.rdf - contains a single report definition in binary format. 
        .rdf files are used to both run and edit reports.
.rep - contains a single report definition in binary format. 
          .rep files are used solely to run reports; you cannot edit a .rep file
.rex - contains a single report definition in text format. .REX files are portable.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Switching to a Different Schema

The following statement sets the schema of the current session to the schema name specified in the statement.
In subsequent SQL statements, Oracle Database uses this schema name as the schema qualifier when the qualifier is omitted. In addition, the database uses the temporary tablespace of the specified schema for sorts, joins, and storage of temporary database objects. The session retains its original privileges and does not acquire any extra privileges by the preceding ALTER SESSION statement.
You can use this command above to avoid the use of public synonyms.  By setting the CURRENT_SCHEMA attribute to the schema owner name it is not necessary to create public synonyms for production table names. Without the current_schema syntax, you would have to assign a public synonym for every table in your production database.
If you want to check the current schema of the session you can use the following statement:
SELECT sys_context( 'userenv', 'current_schema' ) from dual; 

Let's look in the following example:

SELECT * FROM empoyers;

Because user1 is not schema-qualified, the table name is resolved under schema schema_2. But if user1 does not have select privilege on table schema_2.empoyers, then user1 cannot execute the SELECT statement even switching the current session schema.

Monday, 28 August 2017

Useful options that you should know about SQL Developer

1. Search Preferences 
You can easily navigate to any of SQL Developer preferences simply start typing the name of it in the search box. DO NOT HIT ENTER, this will close the preferences dialog with hit “OK” button.

2. Database – Worksheet – Show Query Results in new tabs
Wouldn’t it be nice to keep around query results from different iterations of your query as you work through it? Enabling this feature will keep your query results open as you execute new queries. You can turn on/off with the feature with hit the red pin under ‘Query Result’.  Mouse over the ‘Query Result’ labels to see the SQL statement used to populate that grid. Of course, the more result sets you leave open, the more memory SQL Developer will need. So be sure to close them when you’re finished.

3. Open Object on Single Click
Good for n00bs, probably annoying to experienced users.

4. Hiding Database Object Types from your Connection Trees
You probably don’t work with EVERYTHING in Oracle – so set your trees to show just what you need. Less scrolling, less searching. More happy

 5. Connection Script Startup
You can setup your connection startup script (LOGIN.SQL) under Database. The contents of the script will be executed every time when the database connection is established.

Monday, 14 August 2017

ROWID vs. UROWID in Oracle DB

Each row in the database has an address. The following describe the two forms of row address in an Oracle Database - rowid and urowid.

ROWID Data Type
The rows in heap-organized tables that are native to Oracle Database have row addresses called rowids. You can examine a rowid row address by querying the pseudocolumn ROWID. Values of this pseudocolumn are strings representing the address of each row. These strings have the data type ROWID. You can also create tables and clusters that contain actual columns having the ROWID data type. Oracle Database does not guarantee that the values of such columns are valid rowids. Refer to Chapter 2, "Pseudocolumns" for more information on the ROWID pseudocolumn.

Rowids contain the following information:

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